Today is the last day of our summer member drive and we've had 103 MinnPost lovers make donations this week, helping to secure MinnPost's future as your continued choice for local, high-quality, independent journalism.
We’ve reached our goal of 100 donations, but we've got another $1,000 matching gift for today, so if you haven't yet, please become a sustaining member, make a one-time donation, or upgrade your current sustaining membership to maximize your investment in MinnPost.
Here are a few more reasons readers like you decided to give to MinnPost this week:
“As a former journalist, I can no longer continue to stand back and simply watch the integrity and quality of for-profit news decline. It's time to financially support non-profit news — both traditional and new non-profit organizations — to ensure a credible future for news in Minnesota and beyond.”
Ryan Christiansen, Fargo, ND
"Keep up the battle against ignorance and lunacy!"
Wayne Van Cleeve, Mahtomedi
“Great stories every day - got to pay, got to pay!”
David Meier and Michelle Evans, Minneapolis