A story about the page program in the Minnesota House of Representatives notes that two current House members, state Reps. Jenifer Loon, R-Eden Prairie, and Tara Mack, R-Apple Valley, both worked as pages in their youth.
The story, by House Information Services, says that Loon served as a page for the South Dakota House of Representatives in the 1980s:
"[My page position] was the beginning of the spark that led to my personal career pursuit," said Loon, who held various positions at the U.S. House of Representatives before realizing she wanted to serve in office.
Mack was a page for the Minnesota House in 2006, where she learned the complicated legislative processes:
“Being a page was very eye opening of both the good and the bad,” she said. “It’s not always a perfect process … it’s certainly something that isn’t learned quickly."
In the past, the House has employed 20 to 30 pages each session, but budget constraints have brought the number down to 14 this year.